
Spine Docs Are Sharing The 1 Thing They’d Never Do If They Already Had Back Pain, And It Makes So Much Sense |


Back pain affects millions worldwide, hindering daily activities and quality of life for many. Understanding the advice from spine doctors can offer valuable insights into managing this prevalent issue.

The Warning from Spine Doctors

Spine doctors emphasize a crucial message for those experiencing back pain: avoid the BLT combination—bending, lifting, and twisting—whenever possible. Dr. Arthur Jenkins, a renowned spine surgeon, highlights the dangers associated with this trifecta of movements.

Understanding BLT

BLT, an initialism coined by Dr. Jenkins, underscores the risk posed by simultaneous bending, lifting, and twisting movements, particularly for individuals with existing back pain. Such actions can exacerbate spinal issues and lead to further complications.

Why BLT is Harmful

The American Association of Neurological Surgeons warns that BLT movements can increase the risk of disk herniation, a painful condition where the spinal disks rupture, putting pressure on surrounding nerves. Dr. Jenkins elaborates on the mechanisms behind this heightened risk.

Also: “Dead Butt Syndrome” Is A Real Thing — Here’s How To Tell If You Have It

Common Activities with BLT

Everyday tasks like shoveling snow, lifting car seats, or moving luggage often involve BLT movements, unknowingly putting strain on the spine. Dr. Jenkins provides examples of scenarios where these actions occur frequently.


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