
18 Secrets Women Keep Hidden From Men And Will Never, Ever, EVER Release From The Vault


Using Distractions
“Sometimes, I suggest we watch films together during… because it makes me feel less self-conscious. It helps me think they’re distracted and not focusing on my insecurities.”

Secret Friendships
“I occasionally meet up with a male friend for lunch, but I don’t tell my partner because he didn’t like him from the beginning. We’re just friends, but it’s easier to keep it to myself.”

Fudging the Numbers on Purchases
“When I buy something expensive for myself, like a handbag or shoes, I always lie about the price. If I spend $300, I’ll say it cost $100. It’s just simpler and avoids unnecessary arguments.”

Also: 10 Qualities Women Love in Men (and 10 That Give Them the Creeps)

Desire for Privacy
“I really don’t like it when men approach me randomly to chat, especially when I’m out alone. Whether I’m reading, shopping, or just enjoying nature, I prefer to be left alone. Most women feel the same way.”

Period Mood Truths
“When I’m on my period, my emotional reactions are more intense, but they’re not irrational. The things that upset me during this time also upset me at other times; I just express them more openly during my period.”


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