
How can we improve our reading skills to comprehend and retain information better?


Active reading strategies to improve comprehension:

Active reading involves engaging with the text actively to comprehend and retain information better. Some active reading strategies are as follows:

Previewing the material:

Before reading, it is essential to preview the material. This involves looking at the title, headings, and subheadings, and skimming through the text to get an idea of the author’s main points.

Asking questions:

As we read, we should ask ourselves questions about the material to help us stay focused and engaged. To improve reading comprehension, we can ask simple questions like, “What is the main point?” or “What are the supporting details?”.

Making connections:

Making connections between what we’re reading and our prior knowledge or experiences can help us better understand the material. We can also make connections between different parts of the text to see how they relate to each other.


Visualizing the text means creating mental images of what we’re reading. This can help us understand and remember the material better.



Summarizing the material after reading can help us retain the information better. It involves condensing the author’s main points into a few sentences or bullet points.

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