Learn more about yourself through these 20 optical illusions!
Your brain is composed of millions of tiny connections that send electrical signals back and forth. These incredibly complex events also determine your character and personality. Researchers at Queen’s University in Ontario discovered that the human brain processes about 6,200 thoughts per day. This means you have a new thought roughly every 14 seconds. These thoughts are specific to how your brain processes information and therefore to how you see the world.
Take a look at these 20 optical illusions. What you see – or rather, how your brain interprets them – reveals much more about your personality than you might think.

The animal kingdom
Several animals are visible in the image above. You’ve probably already spotted the elephant, but how many animals can you find if you look longer? Can you see the cat, the dog, the donkey? The number of animals you spot reveals a great deal about your personality.
The Wonder List claims that if you can only see three animals or fewer, you don’t pay much attention to details.
Can you spot between four and seven? In that case, you are quite observant but may lack persistence.
If you can see more than eight animals, you have a natural talent for spotting the smallest details. Can you find them all? We’ll reveal how many are hidden in this image on the NEXT page.

1. Which woman do you see?
This well-known optical illusion was created by William Ely Hill in the early 20th century. Research from two psychologists shows that people see different women in this image depending on their age.
Researchers from Flinders University in Adelaide showed this artwork to 393 participants aged 18 to 68. The study revealed that older subjects tended to see the older woman looking down, while younger participants saw the younger woman looking over her right shoulder.

2. Old or young?
This artwork, titled Forever Always, is by Mexican artist Octavio Ocampo. His art challenges the viewer to find multiple interpretations. In his own words, “Nothing is quite as it seems.” What caught your attention first in this image – the older or younger couple?
Did you see the older couple reminiscing about their youth, a time without worries and full of joy? You’ve lived a joyful life, are happy with how things turned out, and have no regrets.
Did you see the young couple first? Then you are probably still in a spontaneous and adventurous phase of your life, surrounding yourself with wonderful people.

3. Bird or lynx?
This striking optical illusion was designed by Funding Circle, a British investment company. They use this image in interviews to see the true nature of their candidates. By responding to the simple question, “What did you notice first?” They can identify which role is the best fit for you.
Did you see the lynx first? Funding Circle believes this means you are someone who can keep the bigger picture in mind when making decisions. This makes you well-suited for brainstorming, team building, and project management roles.
Did you see the bird first? Then you are more practical and creative, and you might be a great fit for a role in a creative field.

4. Down or up?
This illusion offers multiple perspectives depending on your gender. Are you a woman? If the first thing you see is a man’s face, you long for a passionate and romantic relationship or are already happy with your partner. Did you see the woman’s face first? This means you are a strong, confident, and independent woman who likes being in charge of her own life.
If you are a man and saw the woman’s face first, you are looking for a long-term relationship. If you saw the man’s face first, you might feel you are competing with other men at the moment: at work, in your friend group, or in other situations.

5. Man or woman?
What do you see in the image above? If you see the back of a young woman’s head, according to the New Zealand Herald, you are a curious person. You have a habit of looking at the bright side of life. You are altruistic, enjoy giving to charity, and love helping those in need. At the same time, you are careful when making decisions to ensure you don’t act impulsively. You pay attention to every detail.
Did you see an old man with a mustache? Then you are a loyal and trustworthy person with a good head on your shoulders. You are faithful and honest, always ready to solve problems and lead or guide those around you. You’re a perfectionist, and your constant drive to find the best way to do things can cause a lot of stress.
Click Next to discover the rest of mind-blowing optical illusions