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The 12 Elements of Emotional Intelligence: Which Do You Need to Work On?


Emotional Intelligence is definitely a must for every professional! We also know that it is one of those concepts that you might have heard of before and wondered, ‘what does that even mean?’ So let’s talk about why it is important. 

Meet Esther, a respected manager known for her kindness, respectfulness, and her innate ability to empathize with her team members. Esther thrives on solving problems, viewing setbacks as opportunities, and radiates a calming influence among her colleagues. Her manager frequently commends her for her remarkable emotional intelligence (EI), and Esther herself recognizes EI as a personal strength. She believes it’s an asset she doesn’t need to improve upon for her leadership journey.

Watch the following video by Brendon Gouveia which defines and shares 4 aspects of emotional intelligence: 

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However, despite her remarkable EI skills, Esther feels stuck in her career. She struggles to demonstrate the kind of performance her company expects. This paradox highlights a common misconception about emotional intelligence — the tendency to define it too narrowly. Esther’s focus on sociability, sensitivity, and likability has led her to overlook critical elements of EI crucial for becoming a more effective leader.

Click Next to Discover The Four Domains of Emotional Intelligence


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