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Survey Highlights Regular Employee Involvement in Office Relationships


The Driving Forces Behind Workplace Romances Comfortability Leads at 65%

What fuels these office love affairs? Comfortability takes the lead, with 65% of respondents citing it as a driving force. The lack of time to meet romantic interests outside of work follows closely at 61%. Surprisingly, making the workday more enjoyable ranks lowest at 38%. It seems that people desire a shared workplace experience, but their ultimate goal isn’t merely happiness at work—it’s to be understood.

The Impact of Workplace Relationships on Careers: A 17% Increase in Breakup Fear

Workplace romances don’t just change the dynamics of the office; they also alter one’s perception of self and individuality. A breakup is a universal fear, but those dating a coworker experience a 17% increase in that anxiety. Over 50% reported that having a workplace romance impacted their sense of individuality within the relationship.


Love at Work: Can you legally ban office romances?

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