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15 Men Reveal Their Biggest Regrets About Getting Married


Marriage is often viewed as the ultimate commitment, a bond that solidifies the love and partnership between two people. However, the reality of marriage can sometimes diverge from our expectations. Recently, Reddit user u/skullman_ps2 asked the men of the community, “What’s the biggest thing you regret about getting married?” The responses were candid, heartfelt, and at times, heartbreaking. Here, we delve into the most eye-opening revelations shared by men about their marital regrets.

Warning: This article contains mentions of domestic violence and drug abuse. Please proceed with caution.

Not Meeting Her Family Sooner

One of the most poignant stories came from u/Pudii_Pudii, who expressed regret over not meeting his wife’s family earlier in their relationship. Despite dating for six years long-distance, he didn’t see her family interact until much later. This encounter revealed deep-seated issues and toxic dynamics that had profoundly affected his wife. He believes that understanding her family history sooner would have provided crucial insights into her behavior and their relationship dynamics.

Getting Married Too Young

u/darkchocoIate shared a tale of youthful naivety. At 23, he felt pressured by his military environment to marry quickly. He now recognizes that he was too young and not ready for such a commitment. His advice to his younger self? “You have so much more life to live and to find someone you’re truly compatible with. If you’re not sure, don’t do it.”

Handling Infidelity Poorly

For u/surgeon67, the regret isn’t about getting married but about how he handled his wife’s infidelity. In retrospect, he wishes he had set firmer boundaries and been more assertive. His second marriage also turned out to be a mistake, as they were fundamentally incompatible. However, his experiences have taught him valuable lessons, which he is applying to his current engagement.


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